Coding Articles for Junior Developers You’ve Been “Meaning” to Read…

3 min readDec 21, 2020


Over the last few months, I’ve built up a stock pile of coding articles that I want to read. Sometimes I scroll past interesting articles on LinkedIn, or Medium sends me great suggestions through newsletters. I always open the articles and say, “I’ll read them soon”.

Well today is the day I finally mean it. I have a whooping 37 (yeah, thirty-seven) open tabs of articles just sitting ready for me. I’m taking a break from coding today and I think reading through these coding articles will be a break well spent. I’ve come to a stale-mate on a project I’m working on, maybe I’ll find some inspiration through the things I learn today.

I’m going to leave this Medium tab open and jot down a few of my favourites with the links attached so I can come back to them any time. Enjoy!

1) Simplify your JavaScript — Use .map(), .reduce(), and .filter()

I really liked this article. As a newbie methods like these can go over my head. I’m familiar with map and filter, but terrible at reduce (and maths, so..). Great read for solidifying understanding.

2) How to Use URL Parameters and Query Strings With React Router

I should’ve mentioned earlier, I love React. Prepare for a lot of React articles.

3) React State Management without Redux

I learnt about Redux very recently, the set up was a nightmare but the end result was worth it. This article explores state management without using Redux, but by using Hooks instead. Interesting read.

4) Understanding React Components With Practical Examples

Simple reminder of the basics.

5) How to create a responsive hamburger navigation menu — ReactJS and Styled Components

I love articles based on user experience and a bit of CSS. This would be great to implement in future projects.

6) How To Develop and Build React App With NodeJS

I’m using NodeJS in my current project, and getting there was a struggle. This is an article I wish I read beforehand.

7) The JavaScript Cheat Sheet you need in 2021

Probably the most useful article so far, really breaks a lot of things down.

8) 6 Technologies That Will Make You a Wanted Front-end Developer in 2021

This says to master Vanilla JS inside out. Whew. A challenge I might just set for myself.

9) 10 Fun Facts About Create React App

Not sure I’d use the word “fun”, but fact #2 was definitely new to me. I’ll be looking into that.

10) 10 Things to Master About Javascript Before You Call Yourself a Pro

I like these kinds of articles. JavaScript is something I really want to master. Will I defeat it or will it defeat me.

11) 15 CSS Things to Master and Become a Better Web Developer

You can never have too much CSS.

12) 10 NodeJs Things You Should Know & Master to be a Pro

I’m not as confident as I’d like to be with Node. I would say I know the basics. This is an article I’ll come back to in future to see if my knowledge has expanded.

13) How to be a Good Junior on Your First Job and Succeed…

Some really great career advice in this article. I would recommend this to all.

14) Passing Data From One Component to Another Component in React

I needed this article. Passing data is something I think I can do so well, and then suddenly its just brain freeze.

15) A guide of UI design trends for 2021

Excuse me whilst I try and cram all of these amazing trends into my current project.

I’ll cap this list at #15, I started reading at 11am, and it’s now 3:30pm, but I can say that it’s been an insightful day, a break from coding well spent. I still have a whole bunch of articles left to read, but I shall save those for another day, perhaps a part 2.

Taking days out to catch up on something other than Netflix is about to become a new norm for me.

Podcasts next, maybe?




Written by Olivia

From Law Graduate to Fullstack Developer / Professional Googler. Join me as I blog about the highs & lows of learning to code and navigating my new career path

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